
The İÇ İÇE - Festival for New Anatolian Music aims to be a place where solidarity is paramount. No forms of discrimination and violence will be tolerated at our events. Together we want to create a space where everyone can feel accepted and respected. That is why we have developed this Code of Conduct, which is being further developed on the basis of ongoing learning processes.

By purchasing a ticket and entering the site, you agree to our Code of Conduct.

This Code of Conduct applies to all visitors, artists and employees of the festival.

We stand firmly against fascist, racist, anti-Muslim, antiziganist, sexist, trans-hostile, queer-hostile, ableist, ageist, anti-Semitic, classist and other violent statements or actions! Discriminatory behavior is not accepted.

This also includes non-verbal forms of discrimination such as cultural appropriation. So please do not adopt or copy any elements of another culture (clothing, hairstyles, make-up, jewelry, symbols, etc.).

Comments, behavior or actions that question, insult or affect a person's gender or gender expression are not acceptable and may lead to immediate expulsion from the festival grounds in consultation with the person concerned.

Our concept is characterized by intersectionality, i.e. we are aware that there are people who are affected by multiple discrimination.

Our responsibility

We consider it our special responsibility to be a safe space for all those who are exposed to repression in the Anatolian region. These experiences of exclusion are often reproduced in the diaspora. We want to resolutely counter this. As in other cultural contexts; there are symbols, flags, figures and language customs in Anatolian cultures that are used, among other things, as a means of oppressing various groups in and around Anatolia, including Kurds, Alevis, Jews, Greeks, Armenians and queers. This includes flags in particular. Therefore, we have decided that national flags are explicitly not welcome at our events, with the exception of those representing liberation and self-determination struggles.

We believe in the transgenerationality of trauma and see it as our duty to stand with those who suffer from past and present forms and means of oppression. We recognize that such triggers can be varied and may differ from one individual to another. If we are informed of the use of such symbols, we reserve the right to exclude those individuals from the festival.

İÇ İÇE is a place we have created to celebrate the long existence of different cultures, people, religions and origins side by side. Therefore, we ask you to critically question Anatolian history and the ongoing structural violence, as well as to reflect on your own positionings in a power-critical way. We also ask you to use our space to honor diversity and promote mutual respect.

Enforcement of the Code of Conduct

As at all our events, an Awareness Team will be at your disposal. Do not hesitate to contact the awareness team or us the organization team if you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation or observe something conspicuous. We take all cases seriously and encourage you to report incidents to us, regardless of whether they affect you personally or others. Our actions are only carried out with the expressed consent of the persons concerned.

You can contact us - even anonymously - at to send us feedback. Please note that this email address is not intended for immediate reactions during the event.

In the event of a breach of the Code of Conduct, the festival team reserves the right to take action, including the exclusion of visitors. Please note that entrance fees and expenses will not be refunded in such cases.